After a wonderful 126th year, BHC is now closed for the season. If you missed Rocktoberfest on October 20, you won’t want to next year! This beer, bacon and bands extravaganza was truly fun for all and Mother Nature gave us a lovely evening (after all that rain), and while it was muddy under foot, there were smiles all around.
Thank you guests and staff for a truly memorable year. The summer had some of the best weather ever – only two inside calls for the North Dock events! The gardens were resplendent, the golf course has never been in better shape, and although the water was low, Lake Champlain gave many hours of fun to all comers.
And now we’re waiting for Sandy. Did you know that Bobby has a cat named Sandy? The other Sandy won’t be coming in on little cat feet for sure. The good news is that most of the leaves are off the trees. We hope there isn’t any bad news . . . stay tuned. And for all those of you who are out there with the storm bearing down, stay safe – seek shelter and do what the authorities tell you to do! We’ll be thinking of you.
Best wishes from your Basin Harbor Family – Pennie